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  • Our Savior Lutheran Church 1074 Dunnavant Valley Road Birmingham, AL, 35242 United States (map)

Theme: Mercy Ministry / Community Service

Paul writes in his letter to the Galatians: "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." (Galatians 6:10 NIV)  For many, the word “compassion” in the context of ministry conjures up images of soup kitchens or clothing banks. For others, “compassion” ministry evokes the false theology of the social gospel. Through our study and discussions at our gathering, we will dive into looking at what a culture of compassion and community service can look like in our unique settings - from impoverished to affluent areas.


  • Pastor Nathan Loersch will lead us in a study of “Cultivating a Culture of Compassion: The Opportunity is Ours”- WLS Symposium paper by Pastor Ryan Kolander

  • Pastor Cale Mead will lead a book discussion of "What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty" by Bill Ehlig and Ruby Payne.  

  • Pastor Eric Melso will moderate a roundtable discussion of mercy ministry and community service. Panelists will be Pastors Lucas Bitter, Nathan Loersch, and Keith Schleis - all of whom have an active mercy ministry / community service ministry at their church. 


Presentations and Reports:

Earlier Event: January 22
District Conference
Later Event: June 11
South Atlantic District Convention