2023 Continuing Education Conference Registration

YOUR Next Steps

  • Click on each of the menus below - you must click on each to make sure you are registered for the conference, you have reserved a room at the hotel, and signed up for a class.

  • Registration deadline: Friday, April 28th, 2023

  • (WLS REGISTRATION NOTE: When registering for your class through the Seminary system, please take care to select one of the classes offered in our district. In the course selection process, you will see ALL the classes that the Seminary is offering this summer - be sure to select one of the classes listed below that are being offered in Doral.)

  • Click HERE to register for the 2023 Continuing Education Conference

  • Click HERE to make your hotel reservation.


    You can book your reservation by calling 1-800-713-6725 or directly to the Hotel at (305) 592-2000. Our rooms are under the “WELS Room Block.”

  • (see descriptions below)

    Click HERE to register for:

    EDU9109 Bible Storytelling in Early Childhood (Mehlberg)

    EDU9552 Engaging the Disengaged (Uher)

    ENG8602 Building and Maintaining Relationships (Robinson)

    Click HERE to register for:

    ED5040 Leading Teens and Young Adults into Spiritual Maturity (Dobberstein)

    OT5181 Elijah: The Chariots and Horsemen of Israel (Wordell)

    PC5022 Ministering to Those Suffering from Addictions (Hayes)

    ED9067  Principles and Practices of Adult Bible Study, Part 1  (Kock)


Class Options

  • EDU9109 Bible Storytelling in Early Childhood [MLC] - 1 credit or 12.5 clock hours (J Mehlberg)

    • Materials and methods for effective Bible storytelling and for enabling children's retelling.

  • EDU9552 Engaging the Disengaged [MLC] - 1 credit or 12.5 clock hours (A Uher)

    • An exploration of the Total Participation Techniques (TPT) Cognitive Engagement Model and other research-based academic and behavioral strategies that promote active engagement among hesitant and reluctant students and foster learner-focused classrooms.

  • ENG8602 Building and Maintaining Relationships [MLC] - 1 credit or 12.5 clock hours (Pr A Robinson)

    • An overview of the skills and tools needed to build and maintain healthy professional, personal, and intimate relationships.

  • ED5040 Leading Teens and Young Adults into Spiritual Maturity [WLS] - 1 credit (Pr D Dobberstein)

    • Visualize a group picture of young people in your congregation. For every 3 faces, draw a red “x” through 2 of them who eventually leave (Barna, 2019). It’s not just that they are leaving WELS. Many of them leave the faith altogether. This course is built on the premise that young adult ministry is not so much a program as it is a relational issue. We need to make clear that we care about them. In this course, we will assess the cultural and psychological struggles of the 14-24 year old generation, identify key ministry pillars that support a bridge to the other side of Christian maturity, and build a ministry plan that sends a clear message of spiritual resilience to young adults.

  • OT5181 Elijah: The Chariots and Horsemen of Israel [WLS] - 1 credit (Pr B Wordell)

    • In the face of invading idolatry, God declared war and raised up “the chariots and horsemen of Israel” to defend his glory and preserve his elect. Elijah and Elisha were those spiritual warriors (2 Kings 2:12 & 13:14) sent by God to powerfully proclaim law and gospel in word and deed. Using the inspired Hebrew text, participants in the Elijah course will carefully exegete numerous vignettes from his ministry. What timeless truths does a loving God reveal to his spiritual soldiers of today who also labor under the unceasing attacks of the evil one? Find comfort and confidence as you see God’s saving activity through the proclamation of the Word. We will explore the spiritual, political, and geographical context of the divided monarchy to understand the situation in which Elijah labored. A close look at 1 Kgs 17 - 2 Kgs 1 will reveal how brightly the Lord’s wisdom, power, and grace was shining in sin-darkened Israel. Salient points of Hebrew grammar and syntax will be reviewed. Class participants will apply the Elijah account to their own ministries and consider ways to preach and teach this amazing history.

  • PC5022 Ministering to Those Suffering from Addictions [WLS] - 1.5 credits (Dr. B Hayes)

    • Alcohol. Opiates. Pornography. Cigarettes. Gambling. Marijuana. Video Games. These are just a few of the many substances and behaviors with which people can seemingly become addicted. Clearly, we can see Satan continuing his efforts to lead believers astray, which seems to be getting easier while living in a world that seems to glamorize instant gratification and idolize “feeling good.” Students in this course will focus on reviewing some of the most prevalent forms of addiction, identifying warning signs of when individuals are losing control, and discussing strategies to help effectively minister to these hurting individuals.

  • ED9067  Principles and Practices of Adult Bible Study, Part 1  [WLS] - 1 credit  (Pr. T Kock)

    • In this course we’ll begin to explore the principles of adult learning and adult learners. We’ll answer questions such as, “What makes an adult learner different from a child learner?”, “Do all adults learn in the same manner?”, and “What are some common characteristics of adult learners?” In addition, we’ll explore tools for creating Bible studies, such as how to ask different types of questions and how to craft a learning activity. Finally, we’ll create Bible studies (sometimes mini-studies) which exemplify the principles and practices which we’re studying.