South Atlantic District 2020 Præsidium Elections
Welcome to the South Atlantic District 2020 Elections page. The 2020 District Præsidium elections are now closed. Let us thank and praise God for his goodness to the Church and to our district through the faithful leaders he has given to us.
Prayer: Almighty God, we praise you for the gift of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks that you have kept your promise to be with us always and that you continue to provide leaders for your Church on earth. Use the gifts and energy of these brothers to proclaim your Word faithfully, to serve others by their zeal for your kingdom, and to guide the Church in the wisdom of the gospel. May they serve diligently to safeguard the Church in times of trouble from all error and division and by their efforts stimulate peace and harmony. Give them joy in their work among us, for Jesus’ sake, and bless their wives and families during their times of service. May their efforts produce fruit among us so that the cross of your Son is held up before the world and many hear the word of salvation, peace, and blessing that is ours through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The District Præsidium will soon be appointing people to serve in the various other district positions that are open and normally would have been voted on in a down-ballot at our district convention.