Liturgical Clip Art

There are three great resources for liturgical clip art that are commonly used across the WELS. These resources provide clip art that can be used on service folder covers, in the service folder, or in other appropriate places. Here are three highly recommend resources:

Steven Erspamer

His artwork is available in three sets, one for each year of the pericope (A,B,C). There is at least one image for each lesson each week. A problem is when the lessons he uses aren't exactly the same as the CW or CWS pericope.  That doesn't happen too often.  Each booklet has an index and comes with a CD of digital copies.  Each booklet is well worth it--about $30 each from Amazon (see links below).


Clemens Schmidt & Placid Stuckenschneider

Contains a good mixture of liturgical clip art that spans all three years of the pericope (A,B,C). There is a good variety of image for the high festivals like Christmas and Easter.  There is also a good collection of clip art for other things like psalms, popular, verses, or simple symbols like crosses, etc.  Available from NPH for $40.

Clip Art for the Liturgical Year


Ian Welch

Ian attended Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.  He went on to study art and design.  He understands the pericope, the Means of Grace, and the general WELS desire for a centralized theme for each week.  Most often his artwork focuses on the gospel each week, though he does design for other lessons.  Each week downloaded includes several versions of the image.  His best work might be the symbols he designed for filling empty space or adorning the service folder. Prices vary based on purchasing individual images or groups of images.  All images can be purchased directly from his website.



Corissa Nelson

Corissa has a Masters of Architecture from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (WELS) in Cedar Rapids, IA and does freelance art, illustration, and graphic design. Some of her art work has ties to specific days or seasons of the Church Calendar, but she also has art that hews to a particular biblical theme or imagery used in the Bible. Her art can be purchased in packages that include files appropriate for worship folders and also for use on screens. The "About" page on her website also advertises the potential for a special design project with her if you would have such a need.

Corissa Nelson Art

Blood of the Lamb.jpg
Easter Cocoon.jpg