
Advent Series, Services, and Candles

Below you will find a collection of Advent services or series. One recently added is by Pastor Jon Hein called Are You Ready for Christmas. You will also find several documents below with information on or rites for lighting Advent candles.

Gathering Rites and Advent Candles

Consider using an Advent Gathering Rite during the season of Advent, either in place of the opening hymn or right after it.  There are many great Advent Gathering Rites.  Two of the better ones available are:

Examples of how to set up and lay out the Lead Us to Your Light Gathering Rite in a service folder are attached below. There is an example from each of the first three weeks of Advent since the text changes slightly in some parts.

If you use an Advent wreath, you may also want to consider a short rite for lighting of the Advent candles. That is also included in the PDFs below.

Lessons and Carols

In place of an Advent 4 service, consider having a service of Lessons and Carols. Examples of this service can be found in Christian Worship Occasional Services.  If you do not have a choir to sing anthems, hymns could be sung with the lessons instead. You can find two examples of full Lessons and Carols services below.


During Advent, variety in worship could be found in using Mary's Magnificat in place of a response of praise to the Absolution or in place of the Creed.  There are many quality musical settings of the Magnificat.  Two highly recommended ones are:

  • Magnificat, James Chepponis (GIA, G-2302)
  • Magnificat, Keith & Kristyn Getty (Text and Audio available here.  Sheet music also available.)

Various other Advent resources can be found on the WELS Connect website at this specific location.